Shah rukh Khan, the Bollywood superstar, paid a visit to the famous Lal Bagcha Raja Ganesh Mandap in Mumbai with his son Abram on Thursday (September 21). He performed a special pooja and sought the blessings of Lord Ganesh at the mandap. A video of his visit has been circulating on social media. Shah Rukh was dressed in white shorts and had a tilak on his forehead. His manager Pooja Dadlani accompanied him and Abram. The priests at the mandap offered him prasad and holy water after the darshan.
King Khan with his Little Prince #AbRam and @pooja_dadlani at the Lalbaug Cha Raja ❤️✨@iamsrk #ShahRukhKhan #SRK
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) September 21, 2023
Lal Bagcha Raja is one of the most popular Ganesh mandaps in Mumbai. It attracts celebrities from the film and political fields every year. The idol of Ganesha is installed by the Lal Bagcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal every year since 1934. The idol is known for its royal appearance and grandeur. The Kambli family has been taking care of the idol for eight decades. The mandap receives huge donations in cash and kind every year.
Shah Rukh Khan also celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi at his home Mannat this year. It was a special occasion for him as he had two blockbuster films in the past year that crossed Rs.1000 crores at the box office. Pathan was one of them and Jawan was close to it.
King Khan and AbRam at #LalbaugchaRaja today ❤️ #ShahRukhKhan
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) September 21, 2023